Sunday, January 15, 2012

Book #1 Finished!

Well... I have to say I liked the book more in the beginning than I did its finish. Ayn Rand really did live up to her reputation as a liberalist. She really tries to ingrain that towards the end, and personally I found it a bit annoying or just too much.

For example Katie, the selfless, wanting to help the needy, ends up being alone. Peter, although sleezy, still not a horrible person, also ends up in ruins. While Dominique and Howard, the two most selfish, end up with the "happy ending".

The book begins with a fictional tale, but ends with a lesson on why the liberalist approach to life is superior. I do not completely agree with it, and thus I thought the ending was not very exciting. While I agree with some of her ideals, I didn't think that the last 50-60 pages should have focused solely on them. I now understand why people start ready Ayn Rand books but never finish them.


  1. I meant libertarian not liberalist, lol.

  2. lol! i was thinking there was something kinda off but i couldnt place my finger on it...haha
