Sunday, February 12, 2012

Number 3 Done!

Finally finished today! It took several naps between reading and some additional weird dreams....don't know what thats about!

Anywhoo I did not love this book....and actually I feel like the author was not a fan of women. The women characters were always...not evil...not wrong...just something was always off about them. They never seemed to be portrayed in a positive light. Now a lot of the characters (including male) were probably not portrayed in a positive light. And maybe thats just because its life and everyone has their goods and bads...and maybe I'm just remembering the bads?

Well whatever the case...onward to the next one. Actually next next one. I went to the library last week and the next 2 on the list were both checked out! I'll check again but for now I'm skipping ahead to the Blind Assassin!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Subconscious Must Be Trying to Tell Me Something...

Winesburg, Ohio pg 119 this time I have a sorta good reason! I was reading this book over the weekend and I dozed off...and then I had a nightmare!

So basically in my dream/nightmare I was still me, but now living in a small town (even smaller than Danville small town) and my sister and mom were coming into (my?) house telling me to be careful and to watch out for (something?!) Anyways it was just weird and creepy, I woke up feeling super anxious and nervous! So needless to say I have not wanted to pick up this book since...

Random Side Note: I saw in my other reading ventures (In Style, whoo hoo!) Emma Watson is reading Fountainhead right now! She obviously got the idea from us =]