Monday, June 11, 2012

50 Done! (sorta)

Okay I couldn't take it anymore... I skipped ahead...=P

Somehow all the books we picked in the beginning of our list (I felt) were kinda dry! I never finished American Pastoral or the A Death in the Family....I kept on renewing and finally the library said screw you and I had to return them. (actually now I have a couple of late fees...whoops!)

So anyways I read Fahrenheit 451 and I liked it! I was at Barnes & Nobles and I saw it on the table and I hadn't been reading for I decided what the heck better to read something than nothing (even if I bend the rules just a bit!) So also another book by Ray Bradbury, and again his writing style is very interesting, super descriptive. I did like the book, not loved, but I thought it kept me pretty interested and wanting to know more. I did not love the ending but what can you do?! AND plus side...the book was fairly short. So it didn't drag ON AND ON!

I also bought maybe onwards to that?

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