Monday, June 11, 2012

50 Done! (sorta)

Okay I couldn't take it anymore... I skipped ahead...=P

Somehow all the books we picked in the beginning of our list (I felt) were kinda dry! I never finished American Pastoral or the A Death in the Family....I kept on renewing and finally the library said screw you and I had to return them. (actually now I have a couple of late fees...whoops!)

So anyways I read Fahrenheit 451 and I liked it! I was at Barnes & Nobles and I saw it on the table and I hadn't been reading for I decided what the heck better to read something than nothing (even if I bend the rules just a bit!) So also another book by Ray Bradbury, and again his writing style is very interesting, super descriptive. I did like the book, not loved, but I thought it kept me pretty interested and wanting to know more. I did not love the ending but what can you do?! AND plus side...the book was fairly short. So it didn't drag ON AND ON!

I also bought maybe onwards to that?


So... I thought it was wayyyyy longer than it needed to be, but in the end I really liked it. I mean it definitely dragged on and half the time I was like what was the point of this story. Also, very very very depressing at times...

Side note... the side story, that after the conclusion I figured out was told by Alex Thomas, about the mutilated girls and all that... completely unnecessary... like added nothing to the plot, seriously! Couldn't they just have said yea.. "she would keep coming back for his stories...".

Umm so yea if you can get to the end, the end is pretty good!

Ok so what's next?!